Tony Serra

Tony Serra

The Green, Yellow and Purple Years in the Life of a Radical Lawyer


Available now! | Non-fiction | $15.00 | ISBN: 978-0-9839264-4-3

A wonderful accounting of some of the most riveting trials of famed criminal defense attorney in his own words from the Black Panthers, S.L.A., New World Liberation Front, Nuestra Familia, Earth First, Hells Angels, Mob and Native Americans. Serra wrote the book while in serving in a Federal Prison Camp for the willful failure to pay income tax.

"Watching Tony in action is one of the reasons I became a pubic defender. As a new trial lawyer, I tried to emulate Tony. I had heard that he used to lick the railing at the Hall Of Justice (or "injustice" as it is sometimes called) between the first and second floor so he could absorb the souls of all of those defendants who have walked that stairway to meet their legal destinies. I couldn't bring myself to do it and whenever I lost a case, I would think to myself, 'Tony Serra would have won that case.' "
Jeff Adachi, San Francisco Public Defender                       

About the Author: 

Tony Serra is of the greatest criminal defense lawyers of the 20th century. He has spent his life defending those charged with the worst with nowhere else to go. He is a Stanford University graduate in Philosphy and Boalt Hall in Law Review. He has been practicing law for over 40 years. In his years as an attorney, he has represented the Black Panthers to the Hell's Angels and the Mafia. His offices are in San Francisco where he continues to practice to this day.                       

Photo: Ivory Serra